Thursday, August 20, 2009


The first time I herd Zomby's song 'helter skelter' it struck me as a cross between an early nes game and a 70s horror flick. Throughout the song I heard a strong ominous undertone, with strong intermittent electronic beats, which for what ever reason caught my ear.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Sleep Thieves

Straight off of Sleep Thieves debut EP It Was Only a Satellite, Osumi combines electronic-pop with infectious guitar progression into a song I'm really appreciating.

High Voltage Humans

High Voltage Humans is an electronic duo hailing from Munich, Germany. Their songs are marked by extremely energetic synth beats, which I've found extremely alluring, causing a very strong thirst to develop.


BLK JKS is a South African noise rock band who has recently signed with Secretly Canadian. Riding on their recently remaster Mystery EP BLK JKS are currently recording their full length debut album, After Robots, which I am eagerly anticipating.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Wolf Gang

Wolf Gang is the conception of multi-instrumentalist Max McElligott. They're only release, Night Flying, is quickly becoming my favorite pop song of the year and I look forward to their single, which comes out sometime in June.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Liquid Vega

I've come across an absolutely mesmerizing song, Liquid Vega's Black Thunder.  The overall ambience created by the instrumentation is drawn out by the chilling, but eerily soothing vocals.  I eagerly await any future releases, and urge people to check them out.

Note: Click on the title to listen to the track.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Death In Donut Plains

Death in Donut Plains is Enrico Boccioletti's solo project.  I've been listening to his latest EP (click on the title of the post to be re-directed to his website where a free download awaits you) and so far I'm enjoying it a lot.  If you are a fan of electronic music and don't mind spending 5 minutes to download a free EP I'd recomend checking him out.

P.S. Bonus points for anyone who posts what the band's name is referring to.